
like, what is legit anymore?

This Means War


This spy movie probably has the worst villain ever, but that was never the point, was it?

This Means War (original working title of Spy vs Spy) pits the almost limitless resources two spies possess in order to outdo each other and win a girl’s heart. To be more specific. Reese Witherspoon’s heart. Yeah, spies have weird taste. Or they really don’t have the time to get out much.

Chris Pine and Tom Hardy play the two CIA agents, who happen to fall for the same girl unknowingly. As they plant surveillance devices and use other methods to keep tabs on each other and play up to Witherspoon’s likes, this “mission” threatens to unhinge their solid friendship.

Even though we guys often like to say “bros before hoes”, we know just how true that really is, or isn’t.

So there, an average action comedy good enough to while away an idle saturday afternoon.

Oh, and in there somewhere you’ll also find the barest plot about an international criminal planning revenge against the two of them for killing his brother in an earlier mission gone wrong.

Iwo Rating: 5/10

By the way, Have you met Reese without a spoon? LOL

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Only for Dragonball fans


Do you remember the days when you were young, and ignorant, and all you wanted to be was awesome like a super saiyan?

Well, all this kid ever wanted to be was super saiyan. And you know what they say about practice.

All you have to do, is start screaming.

Did he eventually turn? Its something you just have to see for yourself.


Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Remember, all you need to be a super saiyan.. is to believe.

Even the Fuhrer believes….


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Auto-correct fail causes school shutdown


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Usually, an auto-correct fail results in a little embarrassment, some misunderstanding and huge doses of laughter.

Not this one.

An auto-correct fail sent to a wrong number in Georgia resulted in a lockdown at a Georgia high school. The message sent was “Gunman be at West Hall today”, when it was meant to be “Gunna be at West Hall today”.

The wrong number added to the confusion, and the student who received the message promptly reported it to the authorities.

This must have been the most expensive auto-correct fail, ever.

Source: Gainsvilletimes

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The tree with clothes


I realise that when you don’t have work weighing heavy on your mind. Your whole demeanor relaxes. You find yourself having more time. Waking up earlier than when you had work, even. Birds chirp sweeter tunes, the morning coffee smells better, and you’re more inquisitive about your surroundings.

And so its with that attitude that I went about searching for lunch in the neighbourhood, and I start taking in the scenery, and look up at the dazzling sky and that magnificent tree with the levis jeans and wait, what??

Yup, there it was. Wind-strewn clothing swaying in the branches,  leering at me, as if challenging me to claim it for myself.

Undaunted and with unblinking eyes, I took out my new Samsung Galaxy Note, and snapped a photo for all to share.

Here’s a close-up

Happy Leap Year, everyone!

How to pronounce L’OCCITANevermind



Do you read a lot? In your daily readings, do you come across words that you have no idea how to pronounce? Do you look like this when you come across those words?

Fear not.

PronounciationManual is here to help.

Now you can pronounce #likeaboss.



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Dead man walking


Another example of how advertising is better than the actual product.

In this activation idea to promote Season 2 of The Walking Dead, a theatre full of unsuspecting audience thinks they are watching the trailer for a new rom-com, when a zombie comes lumbering by.


Awesome marketing.

Can’t say the same for the series.

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DBS emails ATM card


Does this mean they’ve just launched a new product, an eTM card?


I don’t know if this is a leap in email technology or card technology. Either way, welcome to the future of banking. Now all we need is to buy a plastic sheet and a plastics printer. An earlier post of this picture on my facebook seems to be getting its fair share of shares after TOC caught wind of it.

Anyway, this would seem to be a typo error on the part of Yahoo, as it has currently been corrected.

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Brainwash marketing


When all the key marketing and product people speak the same language, you inevitably get swept away by all the buzzwords surrounding that particular product.

And when spoken enough times, we all go away, sold.

So say it with me now. The iPad is amazing-incredible-simple-beautiful-great.

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