
like, what is legit anymore?

Safe House


Let’s face it, every year, we’ll have a handful of really great movies, some awful movies, and the rest just sort of falls nicely in the middle of not bad, but not great ones. Safe House ranks as one of those mid-tier films you’ll enjoy while in the cinema, but won’t remember much of after stepping out.

The only things elevating this from average to slightly above average are the 2 leads, Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.

if i'm going to play the same role every movie, i'll at least change my hair

Reynolds stars as rookie agent Matt Weston, a “housekeeper” in charge of maintaining a safehouse in Cape Town. He’d been leading a rather uneventful year, up until the moment Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) shows up. Frost, an ex CIA agent turned rogue, was suspected to possess, and trying to profit from, a list of illegal activities of several high ranking officials across different agencies.

So naturally, the bad bigwigs at the top (no prizes for guessing who) send in the foot soldiers to get hold of Frost before the info gets out in the open. So its up to the unlikely pair of rookie upright agent and weathered not evil but not that good ex agent to keep themselves alive.

Overused and predictable plot, but decent action and acting. So there. Not bad, not great. Rating: 6/10


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Its impossible to hate on cats, even if they sometimes interrupt our favourite football matches.

Happy Friday!


Even sharks eat shark’s fin…


… well, together with the rest of the body, but still!

Pass the vinegar please?

Here’s the first ever photo of a shark in the process of eating another shark. Guys, don’t you know you’re an endangered species?

So, to anyone berating us for eating those delicious fins. If we don’t eat them, they do.

source: io9


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Did you remember…


… when we were little kids, and we went to ask our parents this seemingly innocuous question:

where did we come from?

and witness their flustered faces as they turned away, and dismissively mumbled something about being picked up from the rubbish dump?

Recently, a little girl asked her daddy the same exact question. And when he again showed the same signs of a flushed face (some things never change), she calmed his nerves by saying:

Don’t worry daddy, I just wanted to know… was I downloaded?


baby-making... not as fun as it was in 1996

So cute, yet the thought of it being remotely possible some time in the future is so, so terrifying.


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Erm.. Spidey? We have a problem.


Redditor ozLebowski has a sonogram of his unborn child. Who really, really resembles Venom.

Someone call Peter Parker.

source: reddit

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Among the many tentpole films coming out in 2012, this little film, made on a shoestring budget of US15 million, is punching way above its weight, and in my opinion, delivering quite the fight.

Chronicle tells the tale of 3 teenagers, whose bond is strengthened when they develop powers of telekinesis after literally exploring a hole in the ground.

The 3 teenagers are Andrew, the primary cameraman, who’s abused by his alcoholic father at home, and bullied by his peers at school; his more socially adjusted cousin Matt; and Steve, the athletic all-round nice guy running for school President.

just 3 dudes.. exploring a hole. *wink*

As they explore their new found powers, they try out schoolboy pranks like levitating bears to scare little girls, and move cars from the parking lot to a different space. But as their powers develop, and they find themselves handling much trickier maneuvers with ease, who’s to say its right or wrong to teach a school bully or a tail-gater a thing or two about messing with the wrong people?

As the situations escalate and Andrew becomes more and more unhinged, its up to his friends to try and undo his damage.

What’s interesting about the film, is that it explores the very different outcomes the same power results in 3 people with a very different upbringing. It almost seems as if it were both the origin story of a hero and a villain.

I AM GOOD LOOKING! Anyone disagrees?

The action is mostly captured with Andrew’s camera, but as the action steps up, we also see the action from other camera vantage points such as security cams, police cams and even news crew footage.

While the entire film is based on “found footage”, for those prone to headaches due to the shaky cam nature of such films (think Cloverfield), rest assured that the shakiness is kept to a minimum due to Andrew’s advanced filming “technique”.

With this film, Director Josh Trank has cracked the found footage genre wide open, and provided other filmmaker/writers to work the found footage style onto genres other than horror. Rating: 9/10 


A bird, a plane, 3 flying men!

As part of the viral campaign to raise awareness of the film, the marketing team took to the skies, creating 3 remote controlled planes shaped like men, and flew them over NYC and Liberty Island.

Awesome, cool stuff!

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Saving the Earth, three-ply at a time


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been noticing that the bin in my office toilet has been filling up exceptionally quickly. And I started to think to myself: Exactly how much paper is used up in the world each day on a frivolous task as drying our hands?

After washing our hands, why can’t we just use an air dryer to dry our hands instead? There’s always the jeans option as well. The way we’re plowing through our planet’s resources is just astounding.

And as more and more cities expand and creep into rural and forested areas, these resources are just going to be depleted further and quicker. When the wife and I went to Japan for a holiday, we found toilets with washlets/bidets very common, and that after taking a dump, washing instead of wiping was the norm with the Japanese. Although it definitely felt weird at the time, it was certainly… refreshing to try.

Reading up more though (from no less), it seems that the use of toilet paper is really causing a lot of damage to Earth. Using a washlet may be an alien concept to a lot of us, but think about it. When we’re dirty and sweaty, we take a shower. Water is the best cleaning agent, not paper. Otherwise, we’d be wiping ourselves, and not washing ourselves.

If the trend catches on, and the world at large used washlets to cleanse their anuses, and used airdryers to dry their hands after washing them, god knows how much paper and how many trees can be saved.

I would be very very keen to install for at least one toilet in my home, and take one small step towards saving Gaia.

Now, time to go convince the wife.

Fun fact: It takes 384 trees to make the toilet paper that one man uses in his lifetime. We’re hitting 7 billion people this year. Do the math.

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Slide to unlock


The future of everything seems to start from your mobile. There used to be a time when people used mobile phones to make calls. These days, calling seems to be the last thing we use our mobile for.

We text, watch videos, listen to songs, read the news, read our books, play games, do our shopping and even bank on our phones. I don’t even think we can legitimately call it a phone anymore.

Its a device. Everything we do starts with a swipe to unlock.

One unlucky victim of this mobilification (not a real word) is the book retailer. With so many distractions tucked in our pocket, who has the time to flip an actual book anymore? Plus, with ebooks, the future is paved for animations and deeper interaction with the stories.

This is where the next wave of authors will rise. No longer will the written word be enough. There will be images, videos and sound involved.

How else can our ADD-infused young be satiated?

Unfortunately, not everything can be slid to unlock. Like a woman’s.. erm… mind.

Taking off a woman's top... pretty sure there's an app for that



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