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Even Sony staff hates Adam Sandler films


Iwase By now, you must have heard of the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack back in November. Sure, a lot of personal information like salaries, social security numbers, and very very personal emails were leaked.

But enough of the superficial stuff. Here at vinyarb, we’re concerned with the hard hitting, impactful news, like how Adam Sandler is universally disliked, even by the very studio that ships his films.

In a file innocently titled “Soney_2012_Comments”, a raw dump of employee feedback contains these gems about Adam Sandler, and the movie making decisions backed by the Studio in general:

“In TV and Theatrical, I hope management looks closely at the money spent on development and term deals to ensure efficiency. There are a lot of term deal personnel as well as creative personnel, yet buy clomid (clomiphene citrate)  we only release a dozen or so Columbia Pictures a year, for example. And will we still be paying for Adam Sandler? Why?”

There is a general “blah-ness” to the films we produce. Although we manage to produce an innovative film once in awhile, Social Network, Moneyball, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, we continue to be saddled with the mundane, formulaic Adam Sandler films.



Here are more details on the hack.

Also, if the Sony staffer thinks that films adapted from novels represents innovation, I think we all have the answer on why Sony is on the outs.

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