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The fact collector


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Being out in the working world for more than 10 years, it’s easy to lose focus on a lot of the things that matter, in exchange for a lot of the things that keep you focused on the corporate ladder.

Will this make me better at my work?” you ask yourself of the cooking enrichment class you’ve always thought of joining. “Nah, I’ve got that big conference to prepare for, and then countless meetings and targets to meet“, and you convince yourself to put that on the back-burner for the fourth and probably last time it will surface.

You find yourself working consistent 12-hour days, and have little room for anything else save a little holiday at the end of the year to catch your breath.

You’re great at your job, but what about everything else?

It’s important to strike a balance between career and interests, for a more sustainable and fulfilling life. And I think I’ve found it. Or one of it.

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Some people collect things. Stamps, toys, wine, watches, used panties. I’ve recently started collecting too.

I’ve started collecting facts.

You see, as we grow older, it seems like our knowledge of the world is shrinking. We know a lot about our work, and probably the industry we’re in. Beyond that however, we don’t seem to be learning very much anymore. So, I’ve started fact-searching. I’ve found it to be a fun, entertaining and definitely very enriching experience. At the very least, I’ve gained some ice-breaking conversations at pubs?

I’ve collated them onto a website at There’s also a twitter account set up. So if you’re into learning new and fun facts, why not getfactedup?

Below are some interesting facts I’ve found.

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Cabin in the Woods coming to Universal Orlando


If you loved Cabin in the Woods, get ready to be scared once more! Universal Orlando will be adding the Cabin in the Woods experience this year. Director Drew Goddard will be designing the attraction, so you can be sure it will be as close to the movie experience as possible!

Visitors will be inducted as new facility employees, and you’ll have to walk through the forest to get into the cabin. You’ll get to see the lift with all the surrounding cube cells. You’ll also get to go into the control room, and witness the Merman attack!

Argh! I wanna be in Orlando!

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