
like, what is legit anymore?

The tree with clothes


provigil no prescription I realise that when you don’t have work weighing heavy on your mind. Your whole demeanor relaxes. You find yourself having more time. Waking up earlier than when you had work, even. Birds chirp sweeter tunes, the morning coffee smells better, and you’re more inquisitive about your surroundings.

And so its with that attitude that I went about searching for lunch in the neighbourhood, and I start taking in the scenery, and look up at the dazzling sky and that magnificent tree with the levis jeans and wait, what??

Yup, there it was. Wind-strewn clothing swaying in the branches,  leering at me, as if challenging me to claim it for myself.

Undaunted and with unblinking eyes, I took out my new Samsung Galaxy Note, and snapped a photo for all to share.

Here’s a close-up

Happy Leap Year, everyone!